The Journey begins…

A little pretext:

I’ve been involved with fitness the past 10 years – so I consider myself to be a pretty fit guy – I’ve done everything from traditional bodybuilding to Olympic powerlifting to what I term now as general fitness (a mix of plyometrics and resistance training with some yoga (prana/bikram/ashtanga).

About a year ago I started the P90X program – and it’s great – it really does get you conditioned and does lean you out – but the monotony of it is huge – and when you have to workout 70-90 minutes a day it can become a little impractical.

After that I moved on to the Insanity workout – which is 63 days – 6 days a week of Max Interval Training. This concept is nothing new, but the way it was presented was nice. So I survived that for 2 months and saw great leg strength and endurance gains.

So after that I’ve gone back to making my own routines and trying to keep it fresh but you know what – you can only do so much before your body stops responding.

Fast forward to now. I’ve recently purchased a TRX P2 package and a 16KG Kettlebell. I’m going to use both these tools over this next 12 week challenge to really push myself outside of my comfort level.

Over the next 12 weeks I will be posting here, day by day, how my workouts are going, any progress, and overall how I’m feeling before and after each workout on each day.

Week 1 – Monday
Well I definitely had my butt handed to me today! I woke up feeling so excited and energized at what was to come that I let my ego get the best of me.

I figured that 22 minutes for a Kettlebell workout, warmup included, would be fairly easy. After all I am very well conditioned right now.

So I told myself, hey, just to get a little bit extra, throw in 12 sets of some Push and Pull exercises – 20 minutes of work with the TRX. The catch was I added an extra 20-25 lbs to weigh myself down and make it more difficult.

This went well till I hit the KB workout. Now I’ll say that when I workout, I give it everything I’ve got, there is no slacking off when I exercise.

So my results were as follows for today:


Warmup: 10 Minutes – No Breaks

Wall Squats – 3 cycles
Halos – 3 cycles
Pumps – 3 cycles
I felt that I could have done more had I not done the 20 minutes of Push/Pull resistance with the TRX – which you will see in the actual workout results.

Workout: 12 minutes – No Breaks

I ended up finishing with 6 sets in the 12 minutes. Again I feel that I could have done a lot more without the TRX work prior to this.

In all I did 120 swings, and kept on pace for the cardio work. I’m pleased, but realize just how demanding this type of fitness is and am looking forward to my progress over the next 12 weeks!

Tomorrow is get up singles. Should be fun!