You can definitely understand why you go through what you go through for the first month of prep before entering Rite of Passage - you need all the conditioning with the Kettlebell you can get before you move on to this. Like I've said before - it's a totally different beast than what you think it is.
The ladders were the easy part - I really only started to feel that by the third and final set, so I know my conditioning is in pretty good form judging by that. It is a light day though. After that was all said and done I had to roll my dice and landed with an 8 - I don't want to follow that aspect to the book because this is a bit more unpredictable and fun for me. The goal during this was to go at a moderate pace at about 60-65% of my MHR. I made it to the 6 minute mark and was just dog tired. I kept my heart at 65% of my MHR but I knew that I wouldn't be able to finish the last 2 rounds. I'm okay with this since it's the first time I've had to do that many snatches, 60 per side, 120 total. Well on my way though!
I've decided I'm going to run through Tacfit Commando side by side Rite of Passage. The 4x7 protocol is very interesting and is not something I've ever done before so I think it will compliment the work load that I'm getting with ROP. Scott Sonnon is a really interesting guy and you can tell by listening to him that he knows what he is talking about and is very passionate about it. This is the type of training that I could see not just benefitting first response people, but people who train for a martial art as well.
I'm looking in to taking a Russian Systema class and I think I've found one in my town - just working out the time and cost right now. It's really between this and a Krav Maga class. If anyone out there has taken these types of classes give me a shout, I'd really be interested to hear your feedback.
I'm still sticking with Super Joints / Relax Into Stretch and am reincoporating 25-40 minutes of Yoga at least once per week, preferably on the weekends. There is just a benefit that you get from Yoga that you can't get from other Joint Mobility work. It's not for everyone but it does certainly help.
I'm going to spend a little time reading 'The Nine Principles of Japans Greatest Swordman: Musashi Miyamoto' later this afternoon. It's from the Tacfit Warrior package and it's meant to be about facilitating growth and development in any aspect of your life. It's only 42 pages and has some exercises in it as well, so should be a pretty interesting read.
Have a good one!