ETK Week 1–Day II

Before I came into today I spent most of last night studying and analyzing TGU in the ETK DVD. I think I must have looped that part a good twenty times before I stopped to let it sink in. I’m incredibly competitive with myself and I don’t like to do things the wrong way.

So following the workbook, today was only supposed to be a 15 minute workout. I think my body is still adjusting to this very reduced work load as I’m used to exercising for 45 minutes to an hour 7 days a week (3 resistance, 3 cardio – which includes yoga).

I did add an extra 3.5 minutes on TGU because I was really focusing on form and making sure I was getting it right and correcting my form along the way. The first 5 minutes weren’t the prettiest but it was starting to come together near the end.

Overall I obviously had more energy not doing a prior workout to doing this, so I ended up with this for the warmup:

Wall Squats – 4 cycles x 10
Halos – 4 cycles x 10
Pumpers – 3 cycles x 10

I would have had 4-4-4 but ran out of time – I expect this to get better as my strength and coordination gets better.

For the actual workout itself, I did TGU 7 times for each arm with a 16kg KB in about 8.5 minutes. Like I had mentioned I added the extra few because I really wanted to work at it slowly.

Post workout:
I did 15 minutes of TRX Metabolic Blast just to get a little sweat built up and some core work in. Beautiful thing about this tool is that the workouts are brief and you feel like you’ve really worked your entire body after. I can already feel muscles in my core that hadn’t even been used in something like P90X.

1 scoop EAS 100% Whey (Vanilla) w/ 1 cup non fat skim milk, and a small bowl of steel cut oats with a banana.

Tomorrow is a rest day in the booklet but I’m thinking about throwing in a TRX All Body Express w/ TRX Core Vol 1 workout 1 (2 on the disc) which will clock me in around 40 minutes.


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