I could not feel better!
The snow is melting, the birds are chirping, the sun is out! Spring is around the corner – and after 4 months of Winter I couldn’t be happier. Not seeing the sun for so long can get a person down!
I always look forward to the days that I get to practice TGU’s because like I had mentioned it in a previous post I liken it to Yoga – in that takes patience, holding a posture, breathing, and strength all in one sequence. For something that seemingly looks so simple, it gives you one of the greatest workouts.
As far as minutes suggested in the AOS ETK workbook goes I’ve kind of tossed that out of the window for Tuesday’s and Friday’s because I just don’t think 5 minutes is enough time to really practice these movements, allowing yourself time to critique any flaws, and then fixing them. I typically take 15-20 minutes for TGU’s after warm-up and I still do practice C+P and Snatches beforehand. So all together I’m getting about 30 minutes of work in and it helps!
A lot of the muscle increase I’m seeing is around my shoulders and back and triceps – I already had very big legs/posterior so no size there, but they have started to get harder and tighten up a bit, which is a plus. I’m going to keep going with the nutritional plan I’ve concocted for myself as it seems to be working. I checked my BF% and it’s still between 7 and 8% while my protein intake is around 170-200g per day so I’m gaining in all the right places and limiting gain of fat.
I’ve also noticed that my posture has improved dramatically as well. You don’t really realize when you’re doing it but my shoulders had been pulled forward a bit instead of sitting back in the socket. This is something I hadn’t noticed until I started doing the Super Joints and Relax into Stretch DVD’s which is helping me to correct this. It’s not an over night thing but I know it’s reversible.
For what it’s worth the combination of TRX and Kettle bells is working for me but I also realize that this is just a preliminary phase and the real work begins in Rite of Passage – this to me is just to build up my endurance with a kettle bell to get me to that point. Everything will change when RoP starts but I will still do my best to get some work with the TRX in as I know that is benefitting me greatly.
Also something that kind of irked me – I know a lot of people who are using P90X to get in shape. I’ve used it before as well but to a certain degree. What bothers me about these people is how brainwashed they are that P90X is the be all end all of workouts. They are unwilling to step outside their comfort zone to try new things.
I think these people start to get an unhealthy obsession with working out longer and harder for extended periods of time and then they start to over train and wonder why they can’t sleep or why their results are slow. I know one girl who does about 2 hours of high intensity training every day which just makes me shake my head as she’s just a regular jane who wants to tone up and lose weight.
But I digress – that’s one small problem and at least people out there are making a combined effort to get healthy and fit to live a better, longer life. That’s really all anyone can ask for in the world that we live in today – I just think we need to educate these people better so they don’t burn themselves out.
Food for thought!
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