That was probably the most intense swing day of this whole pre-RoP that I’ve done thus far. I’ve been really working on incorporating the 24kg for two handed swings to help build up strength, and have been doing one handed swings, 20 per side, on my last set with my 16kg.
I’m feeling it!
I did 120 swings with the 24 KG and let me tell you, my forearms were feeling it by the end of those. I know it’s not grip because I do hold the bell in my fingers and really just attribute it to forearm weakness – but this will get better!
I know I’m getting stronger because after doing swings with the 24kg the 16kg just floated up like paper. I may look into getting a 20kg to bridge the gap to the 24kg – especially when it’s time to try a heavier weight for C+P and Snatches.
The practice with the C+P and Snatch has definitely paid off as I feel more ready than ever to challenge some ladders in RoP. Looking forward to a different challenge other than just swings. I’m still going to find time when I’m done these initial 4 weeks to get doing TGU’s as well as I can’t recall if there is a designated day for those in RoP.
Getting closer and closer to the day of “graduating” this first phase and it’s been a pretty incredible journey so far. I’ve read and learned so much not just from Pavel’s Books but from the good folks on the Dragon Door forum – everyone has been surprisingly accessible and more than willing to help which is rare to find in a community these days. Little things like that make you want to give that extra bit of effort.
A month ago there is no way I would have told you that I’d be swinging a 24kg ‘cannonball with a handle’ between my legs because it wasn’t simply something I was thinking about at that time – but now that I’m here I wouldn’t change it for the world – one of the better investments I’ve made in myself and something that I can carry with me for the rest of my life. It’s not a crash course boot camp like other programs out there, this is like learning a craft from scratch that will help you better yourself physically and mentally.
I’ve been very pleased with my results so far and looking forward to the rest of the journey and the challenges it brings along the way!
Have a good one folks – accomplish your goals for the day!
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