ETK Week 5 - ROP Day 4


So instead of doing Relax into Stretch this morning as part of my variety day, I am going to make this a part of my evening routine today so I'm ready for my heavy kettlebell day tomorrow. This benefits me a lot more since if I do my Tacfit high intensity workout in the evening that will just keep me hopped up till I go to bed - so it's a bit backwards today.

Body is feeling very good today so I've made the decision to try and get through my ladders tomorrow with the 24kg to see how that works out - it's meant to be a heavy day so we will see how that goes! That way the ladders are broken up has me very confident that I'll be able to do it, just not easily.

I wrapped up my Tacfit Commando workout about 15 minutes ago and that's probably the one time that I remember that I actually felt nauseous from a workout - this was a high intensity day so it was balls to the wall max effort on everything. For anyone who is not aware Tacfit uses the Tabata protocol so you're doing 20 seconds of work with a 10 second rest, 8 sets per move, 6 moves. Once I hit the end of the Standard Pushups I was just smoked, but sucked it up and finished the rest of the workout strongly - I know I'll be feeling this tomorrow, so good thing it's a no intensity day as far as Tacfit goes.

I haven't used my TRX a whole lot lately as I haven't really found a way to work it in with RoP / Tacfit CMDO and the last thing I want to do is overtrain. There is Tacfit R.O.P.E , which I've tried and liked, but I think I'll have to do a cycle of Commando first and then go into R.O.P.E to make it doable. This really is a special time to be involved in the fitness industry as there is always something new to try.

Trying to find a school around here that teaches Krav Maga or Systema is difficult as most schools seem to be an hour or two away, and I by no means live in a small city. I guess there is just no demand for these specific arts compared to things like Muay Thai or BJJ, which is a shame. Staying optomisitc that I will find something though!

I should be sending off payment for my ISSA materials tomorrow so once I get that I'll do a little unboxing for anyone who wants to get into it but is curious about what the package includes.

Have a good one folks!




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