ETK Week 1–Day 6

While weekends are supposed to be a rest day I feel more can be gained from moving the body than just sitting around. You want to keep those joints fluid and stop them from getting stiff and rickety.

This brings me to today – TRX Strength Essentials. It’s my first time doing this workout actually and it was very well paced – a lot of the workouts compliment what I’m doing in Enter the Kettlebell – some posterior strength and stretching – namely a great focus on the hips which is a huge benefit from doing so many swings in my opinion.

There  was some upper body work as well, chest/back/bis/tris – but I think anyone who has ever done a TRX workout knows you aren’t blasting set after set on one body part, you usually get 2 sets of 16 and then you move on to another body part. So for instance, you could do 2 sets of 16 for your chest, and then you move on to biceps, then on to triceps, etc. and that’ll be your upper body part of the workout. It works really nice because you get to work all these muscle groups, but not to failure.

I’m already feeling a lot of the benefits doing Enter the Kettlebell this way – I have more energy than I did when I did P90X and Insanity and other types of bodyweight resistance training and I can definitely say I’m stronger than I was before.

As a little test I tried to do some one handed push ups last night before I did the ‘Super Joints’ mobility work before bed. Now I can say that in all the years I’ve been fit, one handed push ups have been my albatross – I just couldn’t do them. So I figured that since it was the end of week 1 I wanted to give it a try. I managed to do 5 per side and felt I could have kept going!

This was incredible for me – now I’m not saying that Enter the Kettlebell will work miracles for your strength – it’s a combination of a lot of little things coming together for ME right now. A solid combo of Kettlebells/TRX/Joint Mobility and Stretching are just making me solid over all. Different things work for different people, but if you never give it a shot how will you ever know?

Anyway that’s all for today! Off to the farmers market to get some fresh food for the next couple weeks!

Have a good one world =)


Fatman said...

Good stuff man, I'm just getting into kettlebells myself (as an active rest thing on Saturdays, to supplement my weightlifting during the week) and enjoying them a lot. Don't really have the energy to add a structured program like ETK to my barbell routine, for now I'm just messing around with swings, cleans and presses.

Will be following your progress.

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