ETK Week 4 - Day 3



Started earlier than normal today. I've been sleeping a lot better than normal but still need a new bed - this mattress does wreak a special type of havoc with my back. I really don't like to rant but I thought I'd throw this in there; I also woke up to some drama as well - and I'll just say this - if you have people in your life that are causing stress that is reminiscent of high school, cut them loose. I put my foot down this morning and am better for it. Most of us are in our twenties and onward and it's time to start acting like it.

I got some really solid work with the TRX in for my session this morning and felt really worked out. It wasn't a specific program from the TRX people but a buddy of mine showed me Tacfit R.O.P.E (Rapid Onset Pull-Up Equipment) - basically it's a workout that you can do with a cheap rope from the hardware store and use like a TRX. I Did the Recruit Simulation - basically this is all tabata type style of training where you do 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, and repeat for 8 sets. There were only 6 or 7 moves, but for 8 sets you definitely feel blasted at the end. This was a really gratifying workout and nice to try something different.

I've got a lot more faith in the product that Scott offers now and am going to really look into the products he offers and see what else might be complimentary to what I'm doing and go from there. I normally would stay away from download only products but this was a really great change of pace.

I've slowly started to work a few yoga stretches in for the spine to my daily routine as I've noticed that with all the Kettlebell work and Joint Mobility that the spinal rotation was getting a little tighter - Sun Salutations/Down Dog/Up Dog have been great and have really opened me back up. Works great in conjunction with the stretches and joint mobility Pavel offers as well.

Tomorrow is my last 'swing' day of Week 4 and I'm looking forward to moving on and trying all the different things in Rite of Passage. These have been a very challenging 4 weeks and I feel like I'm tougher than I was when I started. I've said it before that it takes a special kind of perseverence and mental toughness to make it through this first month as it's very tough if you are not used to swinging weight around and using your entire body in one movement.

I'm also taking it easy on the split switches so I can give my hips a bit of a break in that regard - I feel they were being overstretched doing that part of Super Joints every day so I've gone and ahead opted to do it every other day. The actual joint mobility moves though I do on a daily basis to keep my joints lubricated.

Over the past week I've been tracking my sleep as well - there is a really neat app for Android called Sleep Bot. Basically before you go to bed, you 'punch in' and it starts to track how many hours you sleep, and over time, the more you track, it will let you know if you are in a sleep 'debt' or not - to make sure you are getting the optimal amount of rest. When you wake up you simply punch out and it tracks your sleep for the previous nights rest. All this is presented in a nice graph so you can see what your sleep patterns are like over time. If you have Android and you're interested > Click Here <

Other than there's not much else going on - I'm looking around for as much info as possible on mass gaining diets. I've read the section in 4 Hour Body but I want to be as well versed on the subject as possible and gaining 60+ lbs in a month is kind of unreal, even if it is documented in the book. Looking into the Warrior Diet and also The Primal Blueprint to see what can be done there. I've never been a calorie counter I've just been mindful of what I'm putting into my body, which is right now I'm on a very high protein diet. If anyone has any suggestions, give me a shout.

Have a good day folks!





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