ETK–Week 3–Day 1


Pat Flynn did something interesting on his blog – basically what a typical day looks like for him, so I thought I would do something similar since I thought it was such a neat idea.

Typically this is how my morning goes before I start my day:

7AM – Wake Up
7:10 AM – Actually getting out of bed – splashing water on my face
7:10-30 AM – Reply to e-mails/texts/other junk
7:30 AM – Workout
8:05 AM – Finish Workout – Towel Off – Write blog
8:15 AM – Protein shake & breakfast

I’m not going to put the whole day up here, but as you can see I do try to be pretty efficient with the time I have. Knowing what you’re going to do ahead of time can make life a lot easier. Are the times always spot on? Not always, but it’s a general guideline.

So today was day one of Week 3 and I am smoked! Swing counts are now up to 40 – active rests stay the same at one minute, but I threw push-ups in at the end instead of burpees today. I started the first 80 swings with Henry (24KG) – this felt great and it’s definitely something I’m going to keep working up too. After the first 80 I went back to the 16KG till I hit 220 swings for the rest of the workout. Duration wise I went about 13 1/2 minutes today for this half of the workout. So the stronger I get I am getting a bit quicker.

I also tried some one handed swings for 40 reps (20 per arm) and found them surprisingly easier compared to the first day when I tried a couple. This just goes to show you that if you show up, and train with your best effort, you are going to get some where. No reason to show up and train lazily. Give it your best!

Per the notes in the guidebook I added about 7 to 8 minutes of practice before the warm up on the Clean + Press and Snatch. All told I probably did 20 C+P and 15 Snatches per arm – I’m going to do this every day just to perfect the form as I want to get the most out of RoP.

Depending how RoP goes I may repeat that before moving on to something like Return of the Kettlebell. I’m not in a rush to move on to that and looking at what’s about to come is pretty daunting. It’s easy to say that you’ll be ready at the end of it before actually doing it. It is something I’m thinking of in the future but I’d be more than happy doing RoP twice before moving on. It’s good to have a solid base before you move on to anything advanced.

Once I get my PT certification I’m definitely going to go for an HKC cert – hold that for a year and then move on to an RKC cert. In my opinion it does not hurt in our profession to be a jack of all trades as that just gives you more programming that you can offer to clients that they may not get elsewhere and to essentially help them better their lives. Standard Personal Training programs can only do so much.

So TGU’s are tomorrow and I don’t know why some people (mainly some posts at the Dragon Door forum) get so bored with them. To me it’s like Yoga – it takes strength and patience, and if there's one thing I’ve noticed about North American culture – it’s hard for people to stay in one posture, or to move slowly in a posture, for an extended period of time because it’s uncomfortable. Well that’s how you’re going to see results – and it’s part of the Pre-RoP for a reason. In this case it’s easier to just bite your lip and do it.

Have a good Valentines Day folks!

Cya tomorrow.


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